My First Wedding

I went to a wedding in Menominee, Michigan today.  It was a long ride in the car but I slept all the way.  It was my first time in a different state.  The wedding was outside and the dinner was in a fancy hall. My parents were all dressed up and so was I.

I met so many new people today. I even got my picture taken with my grandpa's Aunt Shirlee.  She was all dressed up too!

New Friends

This is Khanh and Bonnie.  They are my Uncle BJ's best friends.  I think I like them already.

TV with Grandpa

My grandma and grandpa babysat me all day.  We walked around the yard, we rocked in the chair, then me and grandpa watched college baseball on TV.  Sometimes we switched to PBS shows, but I think grandpa liked the baseball stuff best.  I have this feeling we will do this lots.


Today PJ baptized me. My godparents are my Uncle BJ and my Aunt Stephaine. After church, my family had cake. There were so many of my family there, it was a very special day for me.


Don't tell anyone but my grandma took me to the mall today where I got my picture taken.

(It's a surprise for my mom for Mothers' Day!)

Random Chloe

New Shoes

My mom made me these shoes. She is so talented. I hope I can do the things she does someday.

I have cousins

Today I met my cousins, Stanley and Edward. I wonder what I will call them when I get older. Will it be Stan and Ed? Not really sure right now since I can't talk yet. I hope they like me because I like them.

My First Easter

Today is Easter Sunday and my mom put me in a pretty dress. It has white tights and a white sweater to go over the dress. I also got an Easter basket from my great grandma and one from my grandma too. I think I am going to like holidays.

My first babysitter

My grandma and grandpa babysat me today. They have a baby swing and I sat in it for a few minutes. I did let my grandma know that I like it better when she holds me. But the swing was nice for a little while.

This is how I roll...

When I go out with my mom I feel so warm and safe.

Happy St. Patrick's Day

For St. Patrick's Day today mom dressed me up to celebrate the day. My outfit says it's my first St. Patrick's day and it has shamrocks on it.  So I get to be Irish for the day.  The outfit was from my dad's Aunt Henrietta so thank you Great Aunt Henrietta.